Each question below must be addressed in your paper. Use an in-text heading to identify each question (Do not restate the question as the heading-use a topic heading instead). Each question must also be supported with appropriate APA-formatted citations which match full references at the end of the paper. All references should be current from the years 2015 to present day. Each section should be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length.
Chapters 5-8 of the course text discuss the process and design of operations. Review the article below, and address the following questions in your paper:
Williams, C. (2019). The importance of IT process management: White paper. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/903d/cca38680b28ac993dc35a94f0185d6ace2c7.pdf
- Discuss how your organization may evaluate or approach IT operations as a process
- Identify and discuss 2-3 challenges your organization may be experiencing due to current IT processes
- Research and discuss 2 different Business Process Management systems in the market today which may be of benefit to your organization in addressing the challenges identified in question 2
- Conclude with recommendations for your organization based on your research
Required Text book
Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. & Johnston, R. (2016). Operations management. 8th ed. Pearson. ISBN: 9781292098678 (text is available as hard cover and electronic versions)
Recommended Materials/Resources
Please use the following journal titles, Web sites, and/or keywords to search for supplementary information to augment your learning in this subject.
Journal of Operations Management
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
Business Process Management Journal
International Journal of Logistics Management
McKinsey Quarterly