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Nursing care strategies which incorporate genetic and genomic risk factors

Design nursing care strategies which incorporate genetic and genomic risk factors.


You are a new graduate nurse caring for a patient that received a positive result from a genetic or genomic testing technology. Part of your role as a general nurse in genetic and genomic care is to provide accurate information, ensure appropriate patient referral, and serve as a patient advocate.


Develop a plan of care that identifies nursing strategies that incorporate genetic and genomic risk factors, three interprofessional resources, and three referral resources for a client that has a positive result from a genetic or genomic testing technology that you explain.

Your plan of care will be presented in a Word document that includes the following sections:

  • Explanation a specific genetic or genomic testing technology
  • Describe what positive results of the testing technology indicates
  • Design a plan of nursing care strategies based on positive results
  • Describe three interprofessional resources in planning care for clients with genetic and genomic needs
  • Determine three resources for facilitation of genetic and genomic referrals



Last Updated on April 12, 2020

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