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News report on the “Spotlight” movie

Write a news report on the “Spotlight” movie

First,please make sure that you are in the Journalism major and follow all the requirements below. Or do not achieve this work!And this work also need to be an original work.

The Boston Globe won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize in public service “for its courageous, comprehensive coverage of sexual abuse by priests, an effort that pierced secrecy, stirred local, national and international reaction, and produced changes in the Roman Catholic Church.” Those were the words of the Pulitzer Prize organization in presenting the award.

During Week 15, we will watch the 2015 movie “Spotlight” in class. The movie (which won Oscars for best motion picture and best writing of original screenplay) tells the story of the journalists and the reporting behind these investigative stories. You should read at least three of the actual published stories, which can be found here.

Your assignment is to write a report of 300 to 500 words analyzing one of these actual stories and relating it to what you learned from the movie.

Tell us the essential facts of the story (but in only a few words). Use the bulk of your report to tell how the story was written, the kinds of information it contained, the sources of that information, and other pertinent details. Tell what you saw in the movie that might explain how the journalists produced the story.

Submit your written report in Canvas by Monday of Week 16. Type or paste your report directly into Canvas; do not attach a file.

Prepare to present an oral report about your findings in class on Monday of Week 16.

Type or paste your report into Canvas — but be sure to use a spelling checker. Criteria for grading will include the insights expressed in your report; the quality of your writing; correctness of sentence structure, spelling, grammar and AP style; and how well you follow directions. If it is evident that you did not use the computer’s spelling checker, you will receive a zero for this assignment.

And the link of the movie “Spotlight” is here: This is a movie resources on other countries’ websites, but it has English subtitles.


Last Updated on January 29, 2025

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