New Right

Each Major Problems in American History Chapter Questions NEED to have the following: New Right

  • EACH question posed below needs to be answered in a lengthy paragraph of At Least 10-15 college-level quality, analytical sentences with 3 citation/quote from Cobbs example: (Cobbs, 94)
  • Please SUBDIVIDE each answer/paragraph by labeling each chapter’s questions appropriately (a,b,c,d, etc…)
  • In-text citations or Footnotes/Endnotes will suffice


◊ ALL citations NEED TO BE BOLD in order to get full credit for them

◊ If you do NOT cite, you will receive NO CREDIT for that question

  • use Times New Roman font 12 or comparable ONLY
  • Submit ALL questions as one assignment HERE (within Canvas)

PLEASE NOTE: If your (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. “Similarity %” is 21% or higher, you will lose points and the paper will be examined very closely for plagiarism and thus could receive a 0!!!

There have been a few students that have run into the “similarity” issue (in past classes) and this was mainly are due to including the Cobbs questions “word for word” in their answers. Avoiding this is simple…do NOT include the questions with your answers. Simply type answers and submit!

Any Questions or concerns:…

Cobbs’ Chapter 14 & 15

Read the following from Chapter 14 (Emergence of the New Right) and Answer the questions:

  1. Documents:
    1. Senate Airs Dirtiest Secrets of Cold War, 1975
    2. Republican Activist Phyllis Schlafly Scorns Feminism, 1975
    3. Reverend Jerry Falwell Summons America Back to the Bible, 1980
    4. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Applauds American Policy, 1985
    5. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop Argues for Extending American Values to AIDS Victims, 1987
  2. Essays:
    1. HW Brands—“Liberalism: A Passing Phenomenon”
    2. Paul Boyer—“Evangelical Conservatism: A New Phenomenon”
  3. Questions:
    1. Why did the New Right, as many call it, capture the imagination of the nation during this period? Alternatively, why did Americans become disillusioned with liberal reform?
    2. How can you explain the tension between conservatives’ preference for small government and their tolerance for large federal budgets and high deficits under Ronald Reagan?

Read the following from Chapter 15 (End of the Cold War & Rise of Terrorism) and Answer the questions:

  1. Documents:
    1. Mikhail Gorbachev Declares Peace, and Unilateral Arms Reductions at the UN, 1988
    2. President George HW Bush Pronounces the Cold War Over, 1990
    3. Osama Bin Laden Declares Jihad Against America, 1998
    4. ACLU Warns Against the “Patriot Act” 2002
  2. Essays:
    1. Norman Graebner—“Russian-American Cooperation Ended the Cold War”
  3. Questions:
    1. What were the most important factors in ending the Cold War?
    2. How did the United States become a target for religious terrorist?


American Foreign Policy during the Cold War

Last Updated on July 15, 2020

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