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Module Input Data Analysis

From the handout ‘Supplement –Goodness of Fit tests–for class 3/4’ in the Module Input Data Analysis –starting 2/26:

1.For the Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit example on page 1 of this handout:

a)(17 pts) For every column –How are the values in each column calculated, or where are they coming from? For columns where values are calculated, select one specific value as an example and show how it is calculated with numbers from this problem.

b)(3pts) In columns “Expected Number in Class” and “Observed Number in Class”, why are some column values combined?

c)(3 pts) Why are the Degrees of Freedom=6?

2.For the K-S Goodness-of-Fit example on page 2 of this handout:

a)(11 pts) For every column –How are the values in each column calculated, or where are they coming from? For columns where values are calculated, select one specific value as an example and show how it is calculated with numbers from this problem.


Last Updated on March 18, 2020

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