Module 3 Homework

METR 112


Module 3 Homework

(60 points)

Chapters 3 and 4

*Before you begin this homework assignment, make sure you read Chapters 3 and 4.


Electromagnetic Radiation


Answer the following questions:

Note: Please use complete sentences with correct grammar and spelling, where necessary. Proper writing and clarity of thoughts are important in getting full credit. Show all of your work in numbers 6-7.

  1. (fill in the blank) The Sun’s temperature is at approximately ________ Kelvin and most of its radiation power and energy fall within the ______________part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. (2)
  2. (fill in the blank) The Earth’s temperature is at approximately ________ Kelvin and most of its radiation power and energy fall within the ______________ part of the electromagnetic spectrum. (2)
  3. The temperature of an object goes up by 1 K. How much did it go up in degrees Celsius? How muchdid it go up in Degrees Fahrenheit? (3)
  4. One night you look up in the sky and you see two different color starts next to each other (however many lightyears away from earth). One star is blue and the other is red. Which star is at a hotter temperature? How do you know? (3)

5.You can dim an incandescent bulb by decreasing the temperature of the filament. What do you think happens to the color of the bulb as it dims? (2)

  1. If you leave a 100-W light bulb on for a week, how many joules of energy will be consumed? [hint: it is just a simple conversion] Show your work. (3)
  2. How many Joules does 1 regular-size Snickers bar contain? [1 food calorie = 1000 energy calories] Show your work. (3)
  3. Why are incandescent light bulbs being phased out in many countries (including the United States)?(3)
  4. Your bank account has the same balance on April 1 as it did on March 1. Your friend suggests that this means that you did not deposit or withdraw any money for the entire month. Is that correct? Explain why or why not. (2)
  5. List 3 things in your lives that you use every day that require radiation to work. (3)


Earth’s Energy Budget

(34 points)

Directions: Watch the following video to answer these questions below:

1.When talking about Earth’s Energy Budget and its balance what are the units that are used for

each process?

2.Approximately, how much energy does 1 square meter of the sun emit outward toward earth?

3.Approximately, how much of that energy reaches, on average, 1 square meter at the top of Earth’s atmosphere (TOA)?

4.In general once solar radiation reaches our atmosphere, it has 3 fates. Ignoring scattering of the light, It can be ____________, ________________, or ________________.

5.What gas absorbs most UV light coming from the sun in the upper atmosphere?

6.What are 2 things in the atmosphere that the video mentions causes sunlight to be reflected back out to space?

7.What percentage of the incoming solar radiation (341.3 W/m2) gets reflected directly back to space?

8.What 2 major things in the atmosphere cause this reflection?

9.What percentage of the incoming solar radiation gets absorbed by the atmosphere?

10.What percentage of Earth’s atmosphere makes its way through to the surface of Earth?

11.What 2 surfaces on Earth does the video mention are good at reflecting solar radiation?

12.What is the percentage of the incoming solar radiation that gets directly absorbed into Earth’s surface?

13.What is the percentage of sunlight that gets reflected right back out into space?What percentage stays in the atmosphere and earth?14.

What would happen to Earth’s surface temperature or the atmosphere if it continuously

absorbed 239 W/m2 ? Think of a microwave.

15.Why does the answer to 14 not happen to a dramatic extent though?

16.What is the total amount of W/m 2 entering Earth’s surface from direct solar radiation and absorption from the atmosphere?

17.Show your work and describe, based on the specific numbers (to the nearest 0.1 W/m2) that the video provides, if these quantities show if there is a balance in the overall Earth/Atmosphere system at the top of earth’s atmosphere. Is there an actual balance? If there is not a balance, what is that number and how much energy is staying within the Earth/Atmosphere system and how much is leaving?



Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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