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Module 2 Assignment – Health Information Systems

Module 2 Assignment – Health Information Systems

The facility that you work with has entered into a contract with a leading Electronic Medical Record implementation firm.

You have been tasked to design the go-live timeline for the project. Additionally, you have been charged with integrating all previous EMR data into the new system. What will your timeline look like – all systems in the facility at once or a slow, planned roll out? Who will the trainers be?

How will you integrate the older EMR system? Consider the above questions in your timeline of 600 – 750 words formatted in APA style by Midnight Sunday, EST. Make sure to include the assignment rubric and title page.

The assignment will include a references page and at least one peer-reviewed source and be written in third person.

Information provided this week :

  1. Balgrosky, J. (2011). Essentials of health information systems and technology. Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 9781284036114


Video on records:


Last Updated on January 22, 2020

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