Microeconomics Application Paper Length: Paper: 5 – 6 double-spaced pages
Due: Week 7 by Sunday Midnight Value: 220 Points for 22% of the grade
Post: Week 7 Assignments Prepare and submit through Turnitin as a Microsoft Word document a 4 – 6 page paper that identifies and discusses the three (3) most important insights you gained during Principles of Microeconomics ENCU 202.
The paper should be specific; your grade will be determined on how well you demonstrate understanding of microeconomic concepts and practices, your assessment of their implications, and how your thinking and/or behavior has changed.
While the paper should focus on your personal learning and important insights, it must be based on course concepts and supported by 3 or more reliable sources. Microeconomics Application Paper Guidelines In preparing your paper, reflect and respond to the following: • What were the three most valuable and important insights you gained into microeconomics during ENCU 202?
Using your text and/or other expert sources, define, describe and discuss the importance of the insights to you as a manager and/or consumer.
- What are the implications of your learning as a manager and/or consumer? How has your behavior and/or thinking changed to integrate your learning?
- What specific action(s) will you take to apply insights gained to enhance your professional and/or personal effectiveness?
Evaluation Criteria for HRM Application Paper
Paper Elements Exemplary
Proficient Developing Emerging
Insights Gained
45 – 41 Clearly and concisely defines and describes 3 significant insights gained directly connecting the importance of all 3 to self as a manager and/or consumer.
40 – 36 Fairly clearly defines and describes 3 fairly significant insights connecting their importance to self as a manager and/or consumer.
35 – 31 Partially defines and describes 2 – 3 insights although 1 may not be relevant or substantial. Connects importance somewhat to self as a manager and/or consumer.
30- 0 Limited if any identification of insights gained. Insights if defined may not be connected to course content or self as a manager and/or consumer.
Learning Implications
45 – 41 Clearly and concisely describes implications of 3 insights gained to self as a manager and/or consumer. In-depth analysis of how behavior and/or thinking changed.
40 – 36 Fairly clearly describes implications of 3 insights gained to self as a manager and/or consumer. . Discusses how behavior and/or thinking changed.
35 – 31 Somewhat describes implications of 2 – 3 insights gained t although 1 may lack substance. Somewhat discusses how behavior and/or thinking changed.
30 – 0 Limited if any description of implications of insights gained. Limited if any discussion of how behavior and/or thinking changed
Application to Practice
45 – 41 Clearly and concisely identifies 1 or more specific and viable action to apply each insight gained to enhance professional and/or
40 – 36 Fairly clearly identifies 1 specific action to apply each insight to enhance professional and/or personal effectiveness; 1
35 – 31 Identifies 2 – 3 actions to enhance professional and/or personal effectiveness but 1 action may not link to an insight gained and/or actions
30 – 0 Limited if any identification of actions to apply insights to enhance effectiveness; or actions may not relate to insights identified.
personal effectiveness
action may be more general than specific.
may be more general than specific.
Critical Analysis 40 – 36 Consistently employs critical analysis integrating course concepts to identify and connect insights gained and actions planned to enhance professional and/or personal effectiveness
35 – 31 Fairly consistently employs critical analysis using course concepts to identify and connect insights gained and actions planned to enhance professional and/or personal effectiveness
30 – 26 Somewhat uses critical analysis to identify insights gained and actions planned to enhance professional and/or personal effectiveness that somewhat link to course concepts.
25 – 0 Limited if any critical analysis. May not identify insights gained and/or actions planned that enhance professional and/or personal effectiveness practice or link to course concepts.
APA 10 Uses 3 or more sources, headers and accurately adheres to APA standards; reference page and citations are correct. All sources listed in References are cited in paper
9 – 8 Uses 2 – 3 sources, headers and adheres to APA standards; reference page and citations are correct with minor (1-3) errors. . All sources listed in References are cited in paper
7 Uses 2 – 3 sources. May use headers and somewhat adheres to APA standards; the work of others is cited but with numerous (4 – 10) errors. Sources listed in References and citations may not match
6 – 0 Uses 0 – 3 sources. Limited adherence to APA standards in the paper and Reference page; work of others may be cited but with multiple (11+) errors. Sources listed in References and citations do not match
Writing Mechanics
35 – 32 Paper is logical and well-written and includes an interesting introduction clearly stating the purpose of the paper. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate. Paper is the required length of 5 – 6 pages of content, and includes a correctly prepared title page.
31 – 28 Paper is fairly logical and well-written with a clear introduction that explains the purpose of the paper. Minor (1 – 3) errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. The content may be 5% too long or short; includes a correctly prepared title page.
27 – 24 Paper is somewhat clear; introduction may not explain purpose of paper. Several (4 – 10) errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. Content may be 10% too long or short; and may not include a correctly prepared title page
23 – 0 The paper lacks clarity and may be confusing; may lack a stated purpose. Contain numerous (11+) errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. The content may be 15% too long or short, and may not include a title page
- Microeconomics Application Paper