Complete the “Create a MongoDB app with Angular and Azure Cosmos DB(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” tutorial using your Azure account and submit a screenshot of your working project to the “MEAN with Cosmos DB” assignment in this module.
1 – Create
There are three “paths” shown for “Create”:
– Node.js
– Node.js and Angular (the one I am asking you to complete)
– Node.js and React
If you have the time and inclination, you can try all three, but for this assignment, you only need to do the “Node.js and Angular”.
2 – Import
You probably do not have data to import from a MongoDB, so you might think about not reviewing this section, but this section also discusses how to find your connection string information (host, port, username, and password).
3 – Query
This section of the tutorial covers how to query data with MongoDB and provides example queries for you to use in your assignment and project.
4- Distribute globally
Watch the videos, but you can minimize your cost for this assignment by limiting distribution.
5 – Develop locally
If your set up will support it, I would encourage you to download and install the Cosmos DB emulator to develop your projects and assignments, but be forewarned, there are a lot of caveats and details when using an emulator for code development, so be careful. This step is not required for this assignment.
Once you have your project working, take a screenshot of a query. Make sure your screenshot includes the entire web app window so that there is enough information for me to determine that you successfully completed the assignment.