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Maryland Department of Natural Resources, homework help

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The Part IV State-Level Service Delivery Writing Assignment is to research and write an approximately 1100-word paper on Maryland Department of Natural Resources. This submission should address the following: service delivery and policy responsibilities of the agency; setting within state bureaucracy; legislative and funding influences, and interest group and party political influences.

Submissions should be approximately 1,100 words in length (not including a table of content which is not needed, exhibits, long quotes or citations), double spaced, use a 12pt. font, and have 1″ margins. Where appropriated, the appropriate parenthetical citations material should be used in the text of the paper and relate to full citations at the end of the submission via a list of “works cited” or “endnotes.” Either APA or MLA formatting may be used.

Writing assignments are intended to encourage students to pull their thoughts together relative to the subject matter. Students are not being required to submit their papers through Turnitin; however, the rules related to plagiarism apply fully to all written exercises.


Last Updated on April 25, 2020

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