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Marketing Strategy Paper

Marketing Strategy Paper Instructions

Using the scenario below, write a paper of at least 500 words and in current APA format that is supported by 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly references and 1 instance of biblical integration.


You have just been named the first marketing director of the Bay Area Accountable Health System. For 15 years, you served as the marketing and strategic planning director at Oakland Alameda regional Hospital, a 250-bed inpatient facility with a busy emergency department and one outpatient primary care satellite. The board of your new employer has asked you to provide a brief overview of the 5 major aspects of your first-year marketing plan to the community that will differentiate it as an ACS from other hospitals in the Bay Area.



CriteriaLevels of Achievement
Content 70%    
5 Major Aspects of the Marketing Plan19 to 20 points

Provided 5 major aspects of the marketing plan.

16 to 18 points

Provided 4 major aspects of the marketing plan.

1 to 15 points

Provided 3 or less major aspects of the marketing

0 points
Peer-Reviewed References9 to 10 points

Used 2 peer-reviewed references.

7 to 8 points

Used only 1 peer-reviewed reference.

1 to 6 points

Did use references but not peer reviewed.

0 points
Biblical Integration4 to 5 points

Included an instance of biblical integration that demonstrates an understanding of the objective or lesson from the Christian perspective.

2 to 3 points

Provided a Bible verse somewhere in the assignment that shows some understanding of the Christian perspective.

1 point

Provided a Bible verse somewhere in the assignment.

0 points
Structure 30%    
Current APA Format, Grammar, and Spelling14 to 15 points

Current APA format, grammar, and spelling had no errors.

12 to 13 points

Current APA format, grammar, and spelling had, at most, 1 minor error.

 1 to 11 points

Submission included either 2 minor or 1 major APA format, grammar, or spelling error(s).

0 points


Last Updated on March 19, 2019

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