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Managing Public Organizations

Discussion 3


Even though many Americans dislike bureaucracy, this organizational model prevails today. Meier & Hill (2005) argued that the bureaucracy will not only survive but will flourish in the 21st century.

In your original discussion post, please answer the following questions: 

  1. How do you define bureaucracy? 
  2. Why does bureaucracy have a bad reputation? 
  3. Do you agree that bureaucracy will flourish in the 21st century? Why?

The approximate length of an original post should be between 200-300 words.

Please use APA in-text citations of the articles read or websites to strengthen your opinion/ argument.

Also see: Organizational Assessment Tools Based on Army doctrine

Readings & Videos for Discussion #3

Module 4:  Managing Public Organizations

Welcome to Module 4.

In module 3, we have learned the process of how policy decisions are made. After the decisions are made, we need to implement them. Who is going to implement the policy decisions? Public Organizations. This module deals with efforts to improve public organization management, addressing related subjects of organization theory and the evolution of U.S. civil service administration.

This overview page provides a step-by-step guide on how to successfully finish this module.

  1. Review the following module objectives. Use it as a tool to guide your learning experience. 2. Read the Lecture note. 3. Read all the required materials and watch the videos indicated in the lecture note.


Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Define Weberian bureaucracy
  2. Discuss the challenges to bureaucracy
  3. Define public organizations with examples
  4. Describe the major themes of U.S. civil service reforms
  5. Understand the content of Public Service Values

Readings and Videos

Required Materials:

Lecture Note (Review First!)

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  1. Mayer. (2014). Selected Characteristics of Private and Public Sector Workers
  2. Required Video: Max Weber Bureaucracy (Links to an external site.) It is required to integrate this source for Discussion 3. You can cite this video in-text by (Weber, 1946).
  3. Meier, K. J., & Hill, G. C. (2009). Bureaucracy in the Twenty-First Century. In The Oxford Handbook of Public Management. It is required to integrate this source for Discussion 3.
  4. Molina, A. D., & Mckeown, C. L. (2012). The Heart of the Profession: Understanding Public Service Values.Journal of Public Affairs Education, 18(2), 375–396. It is required to integrate this source for Assignment 2.

Recommended Materials: 

  • Benzine. (2015). Bureaucracy Basics (Links to an external site.) 
  • Hogue (2013) Government Organization Summary Report
  • Census Bureau. (2011). Exploring the Intricate Layers of State and Local Governments: Florida
  • Miami-Dade County Human Resources Department. (2019). Know your county government: A county employee’s guide to Miami-Dade County Government.
  • ASPA (2013) Code of Ethics

Last Updated on January 29, 2025

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