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Macbeth Research Paper

Macbeth Research Paper

English IV Research Paper-Macbeth

The senior research paper is a literary criticism research paper. This means that you choose a piece of literature to read and examine. Then you research a specific topic or interpretation in that literature. You should spend time reading scholarly sources about your piece of literature as you narrow your thesis. For 5 pages, your paper should include a balance of

Quotes from the original text

Deep Literary Analysis of Your Own

Historical/Cultural Context

Comparison and use of Scholars Analyzing the Literature

Topic: How the real life Macbeth Differs and compares to the Shakespeare Macbeth.

Make it sound like a 12th grade honors student wrote it. (Not too smart but not stupid, need around a 90-95 on it)

Use both of these as sources

Hunter, G.K. “MacBeth MacFindlaech.” MacBeth MacFindlaech. Penguin Books, 1967. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <;

Sellar, David. Moray: Province and People. Edinburgh: Scottish Society for Northern Studies, 1993. Print.

Use only Database and Book Sources! No Websites other than above!

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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