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Legal Aspects of Business Decisions Unit

Legal Aspects of Business Decisions Unit

For this assignment, you are to read the Shell v. R.W. Sturge Ltd. case and do the following:

When you connect your answer please have a strong flow in your writing from paragraph to paragraph. Your arguments on the topics need to be detail. Also do not forget to tie your paper together with a smooth reading flow. You need to set the scene for your writing. Your report should include details so someone would be able to follow your steps in your reasoning. You needed to compare you’re the findings with your values and laws and tie them in with your beliefs. Then in conclusion you needed to have a strong conclusion of your findings using proper APA format and your own words

1. Prepare a case brief. Refer to the “How to Brief a Case” Web page when preparing your case brief.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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