Least restrictive environment
What is a Least restrictive environment?
Create a brochure on the topic of LRE that includes, but is not limited to, the following items:
The definition of LRE.
When the LRE is addressed in the IEP process.
How often the LRE should be reviewed.
Who decides the LRE of a student.
Service delivery determined in order to provide LRE.
Explanation of types of service delivery (self-contained, resource, inclusion).
Teacher qualifications for service delivery.
Parent’s involvement in determining the LRE for their child.
Advocacy rights of parents.
You brochure should be organized in content, and 750-1,000 words overall.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and a reference slide should be presented using APA documentation guideline.
Least restrictive environment
Morrison’s “Recitatif” and Ciscneros’s “Woman Hollering Creek”