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Law, Order and Power

APA Format, Please list references and in-text citations

1. Do you believe that most members of society believe in core values? Explain your answer using examples from your community or your work.

2. Does diversity strengthen or weaken a society? Explain your answer.

3. Comment on this statement made by Chambliss and Seidman in their book “Law, Order and Power: The higher a group’s political or economic position is, the greater probability its views will be reflected in the law. ” Do you think this is true?

4. Compare and contrast Left Realist Criminology and Feminist Criminology?

5. Discuss the elements of Restorative Justice vs. Retributive Justice.

6. Do you find yourself more in favor of Restorative Justice or Retributive Justice? Explain our answer.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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