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Latin American History Material Analysis

Latin American History Material Analysis

Between 1870s and 1950s a series of major changes took place through Latin America. For the first time (between 1879s and 1929) the region experience a export boom, and the republics reach a level of political peace. With the growth of the economy came new challenges: substantial foreign economic influence and control, periodic US intervention, and new racial ideologies calling for the whitening of the region. Yet, this political and economic climate left many behind or prevented the emerging middle class from fully participating in political decision making.

Use the readings from Chasteen’s book, Lewis Hanke & Jane M. Rausch, eds. People and Issues in Latin American History: From Independence to the Present, 209-250, and

the film Black in Latin America: Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Why do think people revolted in Mexico on 1910? What were the main factors driving people to revolt? What is the relationship between domestic and foreign policy?

What role black (or brown) fear played in shaping the republic’s social, political, and economic policies? What is the role played by the newly elected nationalistic governments or populist governments after the 1930s in incorporating those who were previously excluded? Do you think it is the role of government to interfere with the free play of economic forces even at a time of major economic crisis?

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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