Latin America

You will have to watch two of the three videos (two films & 1 documentary)

  1. The Handbook on Social Movements of Latin America, Chapter 13-It takes Two to Tango: Students, Political Parties and Protest in Chile (2005-2013) deals with students organizing a social movement in Chile.
  2. Afro-Latino Voices: Narratives from the Early Modern Ibero-Atlantic World, 1550-1812 the introduction and chapter 16: Slavery, Writing and Female Resistance: Black Women Litigants in Lima’s Tribunals of the 1780s (pg. 285-295).



The Official Story (Full Movie available on VUDU)



Innocent Voices (full movie)



Crude (full movie)






  • Article: Chapter 13. It takes Two to Tango: Students, Political Parties and Protest in Chile (2005-2013) deals with students organizing a social movement in Chile.

(mark the page number on the side where the information was found please)


  • Write two paragraphs of 7-11 sentences each.
  1. Contrast and compare this Chilean student movement to your own experience as a student in the United States of America. Follow and answer the questions as a guide for the content of this paragraph.


What caused the Chilean students to organize a social movement to defend their right to a free education? What types of financial assistance do they receive? Why should education be a right not a product of consumption available only to those that can afford it? Why did the Chilean students were not strong enough?

What is your experience as a student in community colleges and/or the CSU system? How is the experience of Chilean students different or similar from yours? How different or similar are the Chilean and American financial assistance to students? Why the elites of both the Democratic and Republican parties did not support free public education from kindergarten to university at last presidential elections? How much did Bernie Sanders change the conversation regarding student debt and free education for all? How are the Chilean and American cases similar or different? Could American students organize their own social movement? Why yes or Why not?




  • Article: Afro-Latino Voices: Narratives from the Early Modern Ibero-Atlantic World, 1550-1812.


  • Introductions & Chapter 16: Slavery, Writing and Female Resistance: Black WomenLitigants in Lima’s Tribunals of the 1780s. Answer the following questions by filling in the blanks. The lines may be erased to facilitate writing the answers.


***Please double check the pages, as they might not be the right pages. Reading the articles is very important!!!..J  (mark on the side where the answer was found)



  1. African and African descent peoples played central role in building _________ and _______ empires in their American colonies from __________ to __________.


  1. Afro-Latinos did no publish at the time. Their voices survive as __________________, ___________________ and ______________________ documents.


  1. The first European sales of enslaved people purchased by Iberians in _______________ took place in ____________________.


  1. Traders operated with royal license; they paid a significant portion of the ______ as ____________ to the state (_______________ in Portugal and Spain).


  1. They deployed (Spanish & Portuguese) a series of justifications for enslavement and sale ranging from____________________________________________________________________



  1. The Spaniards built diplomatic and trading relationship with West and Central Africans, especially with______________________________________________________ .


  1. Africans initially sold _______________ and _______________, but droughts in the 1800s created new _____________________________ and _______________ for Europeans to force more people into ______________________.



  1. Chapter 16 entitled Slavery, Writing and Female Resistance: Black Women Litigants in Lima’s Tribunals of the 1780s. It is noted that the cases suggest Lima’s slaves most vigoroudlsy defended the right to____________________________________________________________________ (pg. 287)


  1. The case of María del Carmen Ollague is featured in the chapter of Black Women Litigants in Lima. María relates that in twelve years her husband abuse her in three ways (pg. 289):



  1. The legal document that details the case of María del Carmen Ollague indicates that she seeks something before the court. What did she seek? (pgs. 292-295)




  • Films and Documentaries. (films must be watched)


  1. Select one of the films of week 5 (The Official Story or Innocent Voices) and write a short paragraph of 9-11 sentences. What is the film that you selected about? Is the film about a social movement? Why yes/no? Is the film about the consequences of a social movement? Where and when did the social movement take place? Who are the key players?



  1. Documentary: Crude. Write a short paragraph of 9-11 sentences. What is the documentary about? What is cause of this social movement? What are the consequences of this social movement? Where and when did the social movement take place? Who were the key players? What were the gains of this social movement?




Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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