Johnston’s Christianity and Culture Paper Assignment: “Comparison Papers”
You can choose: – Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae
Genesis 1-11 or Galileo, “Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina” or Darwin, The Descent of Man or Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra gentiles. (I did list two Thomas Aquinas so make sure if you Choose one of the Thomas Aquinas then pick another Author) I am sure you can find all of these readings online.
Here are the instructions…….
● A three-part assignment. Find a topic that two of our authors discuss. In the first section, explain what one of the authors says about that topic. In the second section, explain what the second author says. In the third, explain a key distinction between what the two authors are saying. How are the two readings similar, and what is the real difference?
● The entire paper must be at least five full pages of writing. Each of the three sections must be at least one full page of writing. Headings (your name, title, etc.) do not count as part of a full page of writing. To get to five pages, at least one of your three sections will need to be more than one page long.
● Papers will be graded according to the following rubric:
First section: Engagement with source material (shows you have read): 2 point
Stays on topic (relevant to rest of paper): 1 point
At least one whole page of writing*: 1 point
(each section less than a full page: -1)
Second section: Same as first section
Third section: Makes a clear and helpful distinction: 2 points
Clearly discusses first section: 1 point
Clearly discusses second section: 1 point
At least one whole page of writing: 1 point
Overall: Insightful (says something interesting and significant): 1 point
Proofreading: 1 point
Paper less than five full pages*: -2 points.
Total: 15 points
● * “Full page of writing” is graded very strictly. Section titles are not part of a full page of writing. If you begin the writing for a section, for example, 3.4 inches from the top of the page, but finish the section less than 3.4 inches from the top of the next page, it is not a full page of writing!
It is, however, perfectly acceptable to have more than a full page. There is no penalty for long papers.
● If you use annotations, use endnotes, not footnotes. But (a) you do not need any notes: I gave you the books you are writing about, so I know what you are referring to. (b) You can put page or section references in parentheses within your text. (c) You are welcome to use outside sources, but they will not help you with the grading rubric above, so make sure they don’t distract you; it is probably easier just to focus on the texts in front of you.
● Double-spaced, twelve-point font, normal margins and fonts.
Again, You can choose: – Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae
Genesis 1-11 or Galileo, “Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina” or Darwin, The Descent of Man or Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra gentiles. (I did list two Thomas Aquinas so make sure if you Choose one of the Thomas Aquinas then pick another Author) I am sure you can find all of these readings online.