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Is raising tuition fees really benefits current enroll students?

Is raising tuition fees really benefits current enroll students?

This paper will help you go deeper into your research topic before you start writing about it. This information will also be helpful when you write your research paper and need background information about your topic in your introductory paragraph. The following quote in the discussion board this week (“What you see is what you believe before you start looking”) is a quote to stimulate thought about getting to know your topic well before making any judgements or conclusions. This paper supports that process.
Skills and Knowledge Needed

an understanding of a “TeEA” structured body paragraph
a basic understanding of the purpose and format of an APA reference page
research skills for finding at least three articles in the Knight Library database or credible articles online
the student’s best effort in appropriate sentence structure, vocabulary, and grammar
an understanding of the guidelines of this assignment


Write a paper outlining any relevant background or history for your approved topic.
Your introductory paragraph can be brief. In this paragraph, introduce your topic and why you are interested in researching it. This is the only information I am looking for in your introductory paragraph.
Body paragraphs should have clear topic sentences that introduce the reader to the main idea of that paragraph.
Your body paragraphs should have a “TeEA” structure (TeEaA structure is post in file) with evidence found from researched articles in the Knight Library database or an online article you deem as credible. (need academic article)
You don’t need a concluding paragraph.
You must have an APA reference page of at least three academic sources.
You must have a title page with your personal information (name, class, assignment name). The title of this paper should be your approved research question.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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