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Into The Wild Chris Mccandless

Outof-Class Essay: Argument Essay Name

Your essay is to explore the idea, with the premise, of tracking adventurous humans that
go out into wilderness areas and become endangered. You have already determined
how you feel about Chris tt/cCandless. Now I challenge you to decide that if modern
technology was available to him, in the form of a cell phone or emergency beacon like
the SPOT device, do you believe he would have used the device? You are to argue if he
would callfor help, or if he would not.
Your essay must answer the following three questions
1) You will argue woulci he have accepted a cell phone or emergency beacon
device if offered to him by a ranger or Jim Gallien?
2)Would he have called for help when he determined he was in trouble or that
the end was near?
3) Who do you believe he would have called?
Your argument must present supporting quotes from the book /NfO THE WILD. You are
allowed to use the article “Lost and Found” as additional support for your opinion. No
additional outside research is needed; if you feel so inclined to add additional
information, you are required to cite your research in your Works Cited page.
Audience: A summary of the book is not necessary, as you will be writing this essay to
you r fellow classmates.
Formatting Requirements: IVILA Format, provide a heading and title, using Times New
Roman, 12-point font, and double-space your typewritten paper using one-inch margins.
Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length; two to three pages total. A
work-cited page is required; make sure this page is separate from your essay.
Turn in your paper in class on Thursday, May 18th. No email submissions will be
allowed. lf you turn in your paper late, your grade will receive a penalty of 10o/o off the
point value, no papers will be accepted after our class final. There will be no opportunity
to revise this paper, so make sure you bring a copy to our Writer’s Workshop for any
help you might need.

Grading standards:

Freewriti ng/cl u ste ri n g/
or brainstorming map 5 points
5 points
5 points
Rough draft copy
Peer review comments
IVILA Format, Title, and
Work Cited Page
Essay Final Draft score
Total points for this assignment:
10 points
50 points
75 points

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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