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Insight Assignment – Analytics, Big Data and Optimization

  1. What is the primary benefit of programmatic advertising (to advertisers vs. to consumers)?
  2. Who benefits most from the utilizing Big Data in advertising (consumers or advertisers)?
  3. Why might advertisers be wary of using Big Data?
  4. How might visuals, copy, design, etc. be used to harness the power of programmatic advertising (choose one paid, earned or owned platform for context)?
  5. A question of the student’s choosing that they have regarding that week’s topic.

you should prepare no more than two sentences to address each bullet. Submissions will be graded on the clarity of each answer and the efficiency of word choice.

CASE STUDY (packet download): A Primer on Programmatic Advertising
The Future of Advertising (article with videos) :

The Future of Advertising (In attachment files)

Insight Assignment—Analytics, Big Data and Optimization

Last Updated on November 20, 2019

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