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Indigenous culture and business.

  1. Choose an indigenous culture (indigenous people) of your choice (IP)
  2. Identify a business/organisation (B/O) that has something to do with the IP

It can be a B/O owned by IP or managed by IP OR§

It can be a B/O owned and managed by non-IP but can be related to the IP§

  1. Look at what the B/O does – its approach/strategy/activities/special programs/initiatives etc. (A/S/A/SP/I) – that can be related to the IP

You can look at a combination of the above aspects OR just one or two aspects§

Use ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘how’ questions to find out and think thoroughly about what this B/O does that can be related to the IP§

  1. Relate how the IP’s culture influences what the B/O does OR how the B/O’s A/S/A/SP/I (what it does) has/have influenced/impacted the IP AND/OR their culture (can be AND/OR)
  2. Evaluate the ethical implications of what the B/O does – yes or no?

Whether ‘Yes’ or ‘No’– discuss§

If yes – how and why?§

If no – what/how have they done well/done right? What/how can they do better (for example)?§

It is not necessary that you discuss item (6) and (7) separately. You can integrate both in your discussion, depending on how you structure your discussion, and depending on your writing flow.§

Please note:

You should apply the knowledge you gain from the relevant modules of the unit (especially the modules related to indigenous cultures and ethics) – choose relevant elements/points/concepts/principles and apply them in your discussion§

You need to do the above as you will be evaluated on the way you apply relevant knowledge (note: ‘apply’ not merely ‘stating’)§

You need to demonstrate analytical and critical thinking as this will be evaluated. (Pay ample attention that this is NOT a descriptive report that requires you to display your direct reporting/story-telling skills)

The broad title for this assessment is Indigenous culture and business. Please have an ongoing discussion (both in class and individually) with your class tutor in further developing your focus and approach for this assessment. In addition, you are also required to answer the question, “Are there any ethical implications? If so, what are they?§


Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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