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Identifying cultural elements

Objective: Apply the concept of organizational culture to your workplace and practice identifying cultural elements. Using Schein’s article, describe the organizational culture of any organization to which you belong, preferably your workplace. Other options include a civic or religious organization in which you are a participating member.

You will want to do a thorough job on this assignment since it will be the basis for a future assignment. Also note that information included in this assignment is confidential and will only be read by the instructor. Feel free to use a pseudonym (fake name) for your organization and its personnel in order to protect their and your own privacy.

Instructions: 1. Describe your organization in paragraph format in 1500-2000 words. Discuss items 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 on page 114 of the Schein article. 2. Use subheadings. There should be a centered subheading for each item of the required items listed above from page 114 (e.g. Environment, Human Activity, etc.). This will help ensure that you address each one and will enable me to see that you have covered it. 3.

Format using double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font APA citation.


Last Updated on September 2, 2019

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