Human psychology

1. Please describe where you have developed your knowledge of: human behavioral theories and related intervention strategies; case management principles and procedures; and public health issues and risk factors.

2. Please describe how and where you developed your knowledge of human growth and adolescent development and the impact of influencing factors; knowledge of a range of theories and intervention strategies, principles and practices of social work and knowledge of the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

3. Please explain how and where you obtained your knowledge of human growth and development and the impact of factors that contribute to adolescent criminal behaviors.

4. Please explain how and where you applied the ability to: accurately assess, develop, implement, evaluate and adjust case/treatment/intervention plans; and accurately and thoroughly assess, develop and apply a range of interventions.

5. Please describe where you have gained your experience developing, maintaining, implementing and adjusting case plans.

6. Please explain how and where you obtained your knowledge of indicators and dynamics of addictions, domestic violence, poverty,
disabilities, family relationships, abuse and neglect and their impact on the client’s ability to effect necessary change when executing a case plan.

Last Updated on April 15, 2020

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