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Human computer interaction/interface


  1. Watch video on this link by Study Guru (2019) on Introduction to Computer Interface
  2. Read this online resource by Matt Jones on Introduction to Computer Interface

After watching the video and reading the web page content, respond to the questions under the task.

  1. In your own terms, explain the concept of HCI
  2. Post two themes that are common in the definition of HCI.


Read the web page by on The Meteoric Rise of HCI.

After reading the web page content, respond to the questions under the task

  1. Using bullet points, trace the historical growth of HCI.
  2. Interrogate group members answers and provide positive descriptive comments on their answers with a view of enhancing further thinking.
  3. Read the online article by The User Hub on Factors In Human Computer Interface (HCI)

After reading the web page content, respond to the questions under the task

a) Using bullet points, outline the factors that affect human computer interface

b) Read your colleagues’ answers and provide positive descriptive comments on their answers with a view of enhancing further thinking.

General questions after the above:

  1. Explain the consideration to bear in mind when designing a menu system
  2. Explain the fields that have contributed to study of HCI


  1. Read the online resource by Wong (2020) on User Interface Design Guidelines: 10 Rules of Thumb, then answer the following questions;

Outline the 10 user interface design guidelines

Identify a software design firm and illustrate how it has integrated Nielsen and Molich’s Ten User Interface Design Guidelines

Read the online resource by Interface Design Foundation, then answer the following question;

  1. Using your own terms, explain the principle of learnability, flexibility and robustness
  2. Interrogate the discussions from group members and provide critical review about the responses.


  1. Watch this Video by IT Faculty – LIMU (2020) on Human Computer Interface Lecture , then answer the following questions;
  2. Explain why error messages should be expressed in plain language
  3. Explicate the importance of help and documentation
  4. Read the discussion posts of team members and
  5. Provide critical review about the responses of the members.
  6. Watch this Video by Gladkiy (2018) on User-Centered Design: Process and Benefits, then answer the following questions;
  7. Explain your perception about what is depicted by the spark
  8. Define UCD
  9. Outline the importance of UCD
  10. Explain the lifecycle of UCD

General questions after the above:

  1. Explain the characteristics of UCD
  2. Explain the following terms used in UCD.
  3. Multithreading
  4. Task migratability
  5. Substitutivity
  6. Substitutivity
  7. Customizability


  1. Read this online resource by Nielsen Norman Group on Direct Manipulation, then answer the following questions;
  2. In your own words, explain the term direct manipulation
  3. Shneiderman identified several characteristics of direct manipulation. Explain these characteristics
  4. Interrogate the members individual responses and
  5. Provide a critical view about the individual responses.
  6. Read this journal article by Perin (2014) Direct Manipulation for Information Visualization, then answer the following questions;
  7. Explain the advantages of direct manipulation
  8. Explicate the disadvantages of direct manipulation
  9. Interrogate the members individual responses and
  10. Provide a critical view about the individual responses.
  11. Explain why physical actions should be considered over complex syntax


  1. Watch this video by Dubbelman (2017) on Information Architecture, then answer the following questions;
  2. Define the terms information architecture
  3. Explain the characteristics of information spaces
  4. Interrogate the members individual responses and
  5. Provide a critical view about the individual responses.
  6. Read this online resource by University of Pennsylvania on Organization schemes, then answer the following question;
  7. Using suitable examples, distinguish between exact organizational schemes and ambiguous organizational schemes
  8. Interrogate the members individual responses and
  9. Provide a critical view about the individual responses.
  10. Discuss the different types of organizational structure


  1. Read this online resource1 by Sauter on introduction prototyping and online resource2 by Wellesley on prototyping, then answer the following questions;
  2. Define the term prototype
  3. Using examples explain two types of prototyping
  4. Outline the uses of prototypes
  5. Interrogate the members individual responses and
  6. Provide a critical view about the individual responses.
  7. Read this journal article1 by Ekströmer, Philip; Schütte, Simon and Ölvander, Johan (2018) and journal article 2by Ahmed, Zhang and Demiral (2018), then answer the following questions;
  8. Outline the requirements for prototyping
  9. Briefly explain the tools used for requirements elicitation
  10. Interrogate the members individual responses and
  11. Provide a critical view about the individual responses.


  1. Read this journal article by Beaudouin and Mackay on Prototyping tools and Techniques , then answer the following questions;
  2. In your own words, explain the four dimensions of prototypes
  3. Distinguish between online and offline forms of prototype representation
  4. Interrogate the members individual responses and
  5. Provide a critical view about the individual responses.
  6. General questions after the above:
  7. Explain the goals of prototyping
  8. Discuss the requirements for prototyping tools


  1. Watch this video by Russis (219) on Multi-modal interface(1), then answer the following question;

In your own words, explain the concept of multi-modal interface

Interrogate the members individual responses and

Provide a critical view about the individual responses.

  1. Read this online resource by MIT on Sound in the Interface, then answer the following questions;
  • Using bullet points, explain the situations where sound input may be most appropriate
  • Use suitable examples to explain the applications for synthesized speech
  • Interrogate the members individual responses and
  • Provide a critical view about the individual responses.
  • Explain the benefits of sound interface


  1. Watch this video link by Kharagpur (2018) on  Introduction to Virtual Reality, then answer the following questions;

a) In your own words, explain the term virtual reality

b) Briefly explain the components of virtual reality

c) Interrogate the members individual responses and

d) Provide a critical view about the individual responses.

  1. Read this online resource by Garbade(2018) on Uses of Virtual Reality, then answer the following questions;
  2. a) In your own words, explain how the virtual reality can be used in flight simulation
  3. b) Interrogate the members individual responses and
  4. c) Provide a critical view about the individual responses.
  5. Read this journal article by Silva and De Oliveira (2003) Introduction to augmented reality, then answer the following questions;
  6. a) In your own words, explain the term augmented reality
  7. b) Explain the applications of augmented reality
  8. Discuss the applications of virtual reality in modern world.


  1. Read this online resource by Techopedia on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), then answer the following questions;
  2. a) Provide your own definition of CSCW
  3. b) Explain two important features of CSCW
  4. c) Interrogate the members individual responses and
  5. d) Provide a critical view about the individual responses.
  6. Read this journal article by PenichetMarin Gallud Lozano Tesoriero (2007) on A Classification Method for CSCW Systems, then answer the following question.
  7. a) Explain the four categories of CSCW
  8. Briefly explain the 10 dimensions of CSCW

Last Updated on January 29, 2025

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