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How the film Thelma & Louise illustrate the female outlaw trope

In what ways does the film Thelma & Louise illustrate the female outlaw trope? Choose one character to analyze. Incorporate actions/themes/scenarios, etc. that establishes and legitimizes her transition from the domestic sphere to outlaw status.

(A+) = Synthesis and analysis: Shows thoughtfulness and independent thinking by developing response beyond lecture, readings, discussion.; Two specific and relevant examples are cited; Explanations that support the answer are thoughtful and articulate in 2-3 paragraphs.

(A) Understanding: Shows a clear understanding of the material presented in lecture, readings, discussion.; Two specific and relevant examples are cited; Explanations that support the answer are thoughtful and articulate in two paragraphs.

(B) Memorization and repetition: Shows the ability to correctly REPEAT the basic material as presented in lecture, readings, discussion.; Two examples are cited; Explanations that support the answer are UNCLEAR in two paragraphs.

(C) Awareness: Shows some familiarity with course material but does not accurately refer to material from the lecture, readings, discussion; One example is cited; Explanations that support the answer are UNCLEAR in one paragraph.

(D) Effort: Attempted work but does not demonstrate basic awareness of material from lecture, readings, discussion; One example is cited; Explanations are underdeveloped

(E) Lack of Effort: Attempted work. Does not address material from lecture, readings, discussion; No examples

(No Credit) – not submitted, off topic or evidence of academic dishonesty anywhere in the whole assignment

Last Updated on September 30, 2019

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