History Assignment

History Assignment


Below you will find a list of four questions divided into two groups, which comprise Exam I. You are required to answer ONE from THE FIRST SECTION and ONE FROM THE SECOND SECTION for a total of TWO ANSWERS. Your answers should be typed, double-spaced, and at least four to five paragraphs, per answer, in length, minimum (longer answers are welcome and tend to score better).


  1. Heading

Please include the following heading on your exam:


(top, left side of page)

Name (ex. Joe Schmo)

Course # (ex. HIST 106)

Exam I

Dr. George

Date (ex. 10-18-13)


III. Deadline and Penalties: DUE DATE=MARCH 5, 2019

Please submit your exam via CANVAS.



  1. Grading
  • An “A”answer will begin with a clear topic sentence identifying the main point(s). The answer will consist of specific examples from the readings and the course discussions. If there are any direct references (quotes or paraphrasing) of sources, they will be properly referenced by source and page number (ex. Sadler Document, p. 121 OR Ways of the World, p. 188). The answer will be mistake-free, meaning it will be clearly written, without typos, and exhibit proper grammar and spelling. The answer will end with a concluding sentence restating the main point or points.
  • “B” or “C”answer will have a topic sentence, some reference to the readings and course discussions with proper citations, and will be relatively free of mistakes. The number of specific references and mistakes will determine whether a “B” or “C” is merited.
  • “D”answer will have little or no use of specific course materials and will be full of grammatical mistakes and typos.
  • An “F” answer will consist of no specific course materials and be written without any attempt at focus, grammar, or clarity. An “F” grade will also result if there is any evidence of plagiarism (see course syllabus for definition and examples), if information from the internet (other than the course website) is used in the paper, if material is copied from an Encyclopedia or other non-course sources, or if there is evidence that the work is not original or similar to that of another History 106 student(s). DO YOUR OWN WORK! All papers will be submitted to turnitin.com for originality verification.


**10 points of your grade will be based on the form (how well did you write) and your sources (how well did you utilize the readings in your responses and how specific were you) and if you properly credited your sources(parenthetical references at the end of the sentence or paragraph are fine).


(Please be specific in your answer and in your discussion of the readings.)

  1. Questions



History Assignment SECTION A

  • [Answer ONE of the following questions in at least four or five paragraphs, making sure to use direct examples from course materials and discussion. 20 points.]


  1. What was the main cause of the American Revolution? Briefly describe the events leading up to the Revolutionary War. What role did the Sons of Liberty play in the Revolution and why? Why was the Declaration of Independence written (i.e. why did Revolutionary leaders feel it was necessary)? How are the ideas of the Enlightenment represented in this document? Be specific. What impact did the American Revolution have in other parts of the world?


  1. Discuss the process of industrialization. What were the necessary conditions/advantages that helped England industrialize first, and how was each critical? What principle inventions and innovations were important to the industrial revolution and why? In the document, “Industrial Revolution and Women,” what are some of the key ways the author suggests women workers were impacted by Industrialization (be specific). In the document “Coketown,” how does Charles Dickens portray everyday life during this time in history?


History Assignment SECTION B

  • [Answer the following question in at least four to five paragraphs, making sure to use direct examples from course materials and discussion. 20 points.]


  1. What is imperialism? Which nations or regions of the world sought to create Empires in the late 1800s? What were their motivations for doing so? Include a discussion of (White Man’s Burden) in your response. What were some of the examples of imperialism we discussed/read about in class (hint: India, China, Africa, Japan, Cuba, Mexico)? Discuss at least three and explain why these can be considered imperialism. Note, one of your examples MUST be the Belgian Congo and should utilize that document, specifically.


Here’s one of the files- https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/kipling.asp


Last Updated on March 4, 2019

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