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Hierarchical Structure

Hierarchical structure

Assess the hierarchical structure of the court system in England and Wales. To what extent does the common law doctrine of binding precedent engage with this structure?


The objective of this written assignment is for you to provide a comprehensive description of the court structure in England and Wales and the common law doctrine of binding precedent.


You should identify the main courts and assess their individual function and status within the overall court hierarchy. An analysis of each of the principal courts should be undertaken with an emphasis on civil courts as opposed to the criminal courts. You can also refer to other mechanisms for dispute resolution, such as the tribunal system, but you should be aware of the parameters of the overall word count.

You will then be expected to explain the common law and the doctrine of binding precedent. You should analyse how this doctrine engages with the hierarchical structure of the court system. You are additionally expected to provide a conclusion which addresses both parts of the question and assesses the extent to which the doctrine of binding precedent is dependent upon the hierarchical structure of the court system.


Marks will be given for:

• Quality of response to the presented question.

• Demonstrating a broad knowledge and general understanding of the main areas covered by the presented question.

• Demonstrating awareness and understanding of the specific issues raised by the presented question.

• Collection, comparison and synthesising relevant information from different sources.

• Presentation of an analytical conclusion in response to the presented question.

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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