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Handling Toxic Materials Hazard Communication


Module 3 Study Guide_Handling Toxic Chemicals.


Discuss with your fellow learners, a toxic materials handling incident, this can be a firsthand event or a current event you find in the news or on a safety magazine website:

o Identify who was involved (you don’t have to name names);
o Identify the hazardous condition or hazardous act that resulted in an accident;
o Identify the injury that resulted due to the accident; and
o Discuss the costs of the incident – lost time, medical costs, physical pain/suffering, etc.
Make at least two response posts to other learners in the class. After reading their incident description, discuss control measures that could have prevented the incidents.


Conducting a Chemical Inventory

The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate the importance of understanding and conducting a comprehensive chemical inventory to identify hazards chemicals known to be present in the workplace that employees can be exposed to under normal conditions of use or in a foreseeable emergency.

2. Identify at least three procedures for conducting chemical inventories in the workplace.
3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure.
4. Make recommendation that will help employers select the best procedure for conducting comprehensive chemical inventories in different types of facilitites.

A thorough understanding of the purpose, scope, application, and definitions of GHS HCS in the 1983HCS and the revised OSHA GHS HCS is necessary for all practitioners charged with developing, writing, auditing, and evaluating an employer’s hazard communication program.Utilizing the attached word document, develop and provide a list of procedures that should be considered when conducting a comprehensive hazardous chemical inventory.



Organization and Accessibility Options.

The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate the importance of understanding and properly applying the SDS requirement s of OSHA’s GHS HCS to ensure employees have unimpeded access to the SDSs.

1. Identify at least three methods for storing, maintaining, and making SDSs accessible to employees.

2. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each method for making SDSs accessible to employees.

3. Make recommendations that will help employers select the best method for making SDSs accessible in their facilities.

4. Determine whether an employer’s method of storing, maintaining, and making SDSs accessible to employees is in compliance with the requirements of the OSHA GHS HCS found in 29 CFR 1910.1200(g), Safety Data Sheets.

Upon completion of this exercise, students will be able to develop, implement, and evaluate the manner in which SDSs are made accessible to employees in the workplace to determine compliance with OSHA requirements.


Matching terms and pictograms to the correct Hazard, Signal Word, Precautionary Statement, and Pictograms.This is a timed quiz – you will have 45 minutes to complete 13 questions.After you have opened the quiz, you must complete the quiz. Make sure you are ready to take the quiz when you open it.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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