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Instructions: Answer the questions below as they pertain to each one of three graduate programs for consideration. To peruse the graduate programs at SJSU refer to the SJSU Catalogue

In the catalogue you will find all the departments listed. Click on the department of your interest and scroll down to see all the possible MA and MS degrees offered. You will then click on the degree of your interest to find information for the questions below. You are not limited to graduate programs at SJSU and may seek out information from any other institution.

  1. Name of the MA or MS Program:
  2. Name of Department:
  3. Name of College:
  4. Located at:
  5. Number of credits needed to obtain the selected MA or MS degree:
  6. What are the requirements for admission?
  7. What three courses listed under Requirements of the Masters that sound interesting to you? Give course number and name. (You may copy and paste this information)
  8. What are some courses listed under Requirements of the Masters that you anticipate could be a challenge to you or that you do not look forward to taking. Give course number and name. (You may copy and paste this information)
  9. What occupational or career relationships exist for this degree? You may choose to refer to career information sites such as, or or another reliable source.
  10. In your opinion what are some positive aspects of this degree?
  11. In your opinion what are some negative aspects of this degree?
  12. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how attractive is this graduate program to you and why?


Last Updated on July 2, 2020

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