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Goals of maternalist reformers for women

What were the two goals of maternalist reformers for women?

  1. gaining more factory jobs and having children after the age of 40
  2. having good marriages and suffrage
  3. being able to divorce and put children up for adoption
  4. achieving motherhood and economic independence
  5. being married and having healthy children

Also see: Women’s suffrage movement and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

1 points


Progressive-era immigration formed part of a larger process of worldwide migration that was set in motion by industrial expansion and the decline of traditional agriculture.



1 points


Pragmatics intended to do which of the following?

  1. promote a religious revival
  2. test institutions on their longevity
  3. focus on doctrines
  4. continue focusing on ideals
  5. scientifically evaluate public policy

1 points


Which of the following statements about urban Progressives is true?

  1. They worked with political machines.
  2. They sought to improve public transportation.
  3. They sought to establish private ownership of gasworks and waterworks.
  4. They worked to shrink the size of government.
  5. They cut taxes to increase revenue for schools and parks.

1 points


A typical Mexican immigrant in the early twentieth century might hold what occupation?

  1. a garment worker in a sweatshop
  2. store clerk in a retail shop
  3. a banker
  4. a railroad laborer
  5. a supervisor in a factory

1 points


During the Progressive era,

  1. corporations were considered the engine of progress.
  2. the United States stopped receiving immigrants.
  3. agricultural production stagnated.
  4. the United States received a large number of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.
  5. the gap between economic classes got smaller.

1 points


In the South, why did reformers argue for the end of child labor in textile mills?

  1. The conditions were dangerous.
  2. To support white supremacy, these children needed to be in schools.
  3. Black children were being severely mistreated.
  4. Factories were an evil northern institution.
  5. Children needed to be working on farms instead.

1 points


Why did Progressive reformers think they had much to learn from the Old World?

  1. Russian bureaucrats had innovated ecumenical churches that offered welfare programs.
  2. Germans had pioneered several measures of social legislation.
  3. The Italians had introduced a series of laws securing equal rights for women.
  4. British legislators were far more advanced in their thoughts on racial diversity.
  5. The French had built a strong reputation in the field of rehabilitative prison programs.

1 points


What in Margaret Sanger’s early life likely motivated her activism as an adult?

  1. Her parents often visited Greenwich Village.
  2. Her first stop upon arriving in America was Ellis Island.
  3. Her family lived near silver mines.
  4. Her parents were feminists.
  5. Her mother gave birth to eleven children.

1 points


The Progressive era was a period of explosive growth. Which of the following fueled this process?

  1. decline in population
  2. ban on immigration
  3. decline in consumption
  4. women’s activists
  5. expansion of the consumer market

1 points


Which of the following was a female progressive reformer?

  1. Jane Goodall
  2. Bella Abzug
  3. Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  4. Alice Paul
  5. Gloria Steinem

1 points


What statement best summarizes Herbert Croly’s proposed solution to national economic problems?

  1. Economic alliances with Europe needed to be avoided at all costs.
  2. The federal government’s budget needed to be slashed.
  3. Government economic intervention was the path to individual freedom.
  4. States needed to take control of their own finances with minimal federal guidance.
  5. Corporations should be granted the power to manipulate laws to their benefit.

1 points


Theodore Roosevelt’s New Nationalism

  1. counteracted antitrust laws.
  2. promoted the growth of large corporations.
  3. embraced women’s suffrage.
  4. argued that the government should not provide for the poor.
  5. included old and new immigrants to the nation.

1 points


By 1912, the Socialist Party

  1. had yet to elect a member to Congress.
  2. appealed only to immigrants.
  3. had elected scores of local officials.
  4. was concentrated in New York City.
  5. appealed only to industrial workers.

1 points


As president, Theodore Roosevelt was persuaded by Gifford Pinchot to refrain from setting aside millions of acres of federal land as wildlife preserves.



1 points


John Muir did which of the following?

  1. lamented the intrusions of the natural environment on civilization
  2. alienated Americans with his message about the spirituality of nature
  3. called forests “God’s first disappointments”
  4. fire-bombed lumber companies in the Pacific Northwest and in California
  5. founded the Sierra Club to help preserve forests

1 points


In what way was William Howard Taft a Progressive president?

  1. His secretary of interior added more land under federal protection.
  2. He initiated the trust-busting of Standard Oil.
  3. He asked Congress to create the Federal Trade Commission.
  4. He pushed for women’s suffrage.
  5. He opposed the Sixteenth Amendment.

1 points


The Progressive governor of Wisconsin, Robert M. La Follette, instituted which of the following reforms?

  1. appointing candidates to office without elections
  2. regulating railroads and utilities
  3. an end to corporate wealth taxation
  4. using Republican university faculty
  5. promising lower taxes and less government interference

1 points


The election of 1912 evolved into a national debate over the relationship between political and economic freedom in the age of big business.



1 points


Theodore Roosevelt wanted immigrants to “Americanize.” How were they supposed to do it?

  1. by marrying a U.S. citizen
  2. Incorporating their own customs to the “American ways”
  3. by abandoning the culture and customs of their home country
  4. by joining Protestant churches
  5. by paying high taxes


Last Updated on January 11, 2022

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