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Globalization, Poverty, & Economic Development

You should limit your responses to those 4 that we did cover.
Stiglitz: Globalization was oversold to low-skilled people in advanced countries with the promise of more jobs from global trade, which nonetheless did increase living standards (think about why politicians didn’t just say this up front) but shifted jobs overseas, in turn, creating resentment and distrust of elites. This explains the rise of Trump and populism in places like the US. What does Stiglitz say is needed in these countries to address the problem of inequality in rich countries?

Marber: Globalization has been responsible for increasing living standards and the reduction of poverty throughout the world for several hundred years now. Shouldn’t the argument be more globalization, not less?
Levinson: Sweatshops, while disparaged in the rich world, are the first steps on the path to economic development in poor countries. Don’t they (people in developing countries) deserve the chance to pursue this? Also, think about Levinson’s nuanced argument about who exactly benefits from the lion’s share of development in poorer countries and what sorts of things would need to happen to hold multinational companies accountable.

Sachs: Sachs says that geography matters more for which countries benefit from economic development than political institutions. Does this mean that countries with poor geography are doomed to a lack of economic development?

Globalization, Poverty, & Economic Development

Stiglitz, Joseph. “Overselling Globalization.” Globalization: What’s New. 2005 Columbia University Press. Pp. 228-257.

Peter Marber, “Globalization and Its Contents,” World Policy Journal, Winter 2004/2005. 29-37.

Levinson, Mark. “Economists and Sweatshops” Dissent; Fall 1997; 44, 4. ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection pg. 11

Jeffrey D. Sachs, “Government, Geography and Growth: The True Drivers of Development,” Foreign Affairs, September/October 2012, 142-150. (on reserve)

Hernando de Soto. “The Mystery of Capital.” Finance & Development; Mar 2001: 38, 1. Pg 29

Peter Singer, One World: The Ethics of Globalization (New Haven: Yale University Press 2002), Chapter 5: “One Community?” pp. 150-195.
Andrew Kuper, “More than Charity: Cosmopolitan Alternatives to the ‘Singer Solution’,” Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 107-120; and the subsequent debate between Singer and Kuper, pp. 121-128.

Last Updated on February 20, 2018

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