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Gas laws and how hot air balloons work

  1. Research a topic.
  2. Write a report over the topic 3. You MUST tie the topic into content covered in the Chem 1311 class. Zero credit will be assigned

if you do not clearly indicate how this topic relates to content covered in Chem 1311. 4. You can work individually on this or you can work in a group up to FOUR students


You MUST focus on the chemistry involved, not the biology, the physics, etc…the paper must be chemistry focused.

The report should have clear organization and should be 7-10 pages in length (double spaced is fine). You should reference any sources that you use to prepare the paper. Pick a topic that in some way relates to a topic or more than one topic covered in Chem 1311, describe the topic and specifically describe how Chem 1311 concepts are important to understanding the topic. Schematics / figures can be very important in describing chemistry so use them if you need them.

So anything that you learned in Chem 1311 that you can identify in the topic, stress those points as you describe how the topic works (like how hot air balloons, how to throw a curve ball in softball, how to develop a vaccine or how a vaccine works, etc)…Some topics that you could choose from: Gas laws and scuba diving (Chapter 5 covers gas laws…how are they relevant to scuba diving?)

Gas laws and how hot air balloons work (Chapter 5 covers gas laws…how are they relevant to how hot air balloons work?)

Gas laws and sports (how to throw a curve ball, how do gasses impact the flight of a football, soccer ball, baseball, which is a pitchers versus hitters park and way with respect to gasses and gas laws, etc)

Also see: Ideal Gas Law

Chemotherapy….maybe you could tie this into stoichiometry…how much does a patient need? How are these calculations made…how is the scientific method applicable to disease treatment/diagnosis?

Dialysis…is there a chemical basis for how it works?

Thermochemistry and food chemistry (Chapter 6 covers thermochemistry)

Thermochemistry and energy (Chapter 6 covers thermochemistry). How is energy derived from fossil fuels, how much energy is released in combustion of the fuel compared to other sources of energy…..or you could discuss renewable sources of energy. What agricultural products are used for renewable energy (specifically what chemicals end up going into a combustion engine and what are the net energy cycles compared to fossil fuels).

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pH and buffers and biology, blood acidity (acids and bases are discussed in chapter 4)

Nuclear reactions and energy production (nuclear reactions are not covered until Chem 1312 chapter 20)

Nuclear reactions and weapons (nuclear reactions are not covered until Chem 1312 chapter 20)

Electron transitions and fire works (covered in chapter 7)

The scientific method and Global Warming (chapter 1 topic)

Nursing Chemistry

Intermolecular forces and making moonshine (chapter 11 concepts)

Agriculture and chemistry

Preservatives in foods – how do they work, do they have any health consequences (some polyatomic ions like nitrite are used as preservatives)

What is fracking in the oil/natural gas industry….what chemistry is involved? What chemicals are involved?

Environmental chemistry…..what are some pollutants, how are they detected and removed from the environment? Can you find any chemistry in the process that relates to concepts that we covered in Chem 1311? If so, discuss those aspects.

Make-up and chemistry….how are cosmetics formulated?

Vaccines and chemistry…..what chemistry goes into discovering a vaccine, manufacturing/storing/shipping a vaccine…

Last Updated on December 9, 2020

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