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Frankenstein Literature Essay

After reading the book of “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley. Write a 5 paragraph essay. The thesis of the Essay is “What makes the creature becomes a monster.

Five paragraphs guidelines:

Paragraph 1 (Intro paragraph): Generally describe the book in 2-3 sentences. And then states the thesis as” The creature becomes a monster by losing his——For example hope in life, humanity, civilization. What main factors cause him become a monster. Describe them briefly.
Paragraph 2: Describe How his creator treats him/labels him and cause him becomes a monster. Start the paragraph by relating to the thesis-for example-“the creature becomes a monster because of his creator…….” and then find 2 concrete details from the book, it can be quotes or citation references from the book, make sure you label them with Volume/chapter numbers. After that give 2 sentences commentaries-explanations of your quotes/citations. Repeat the step, find another 2 concrete details and give 2 sentences commentaries. You need to have 4 quotes/concrete details and 4 commentaries for this paragraph-remember you cite 2 CD follows with 2 CM, and then cite another 2 CD with 2 CM. Don’t put all CD together.
Paragraph 3: Describe How the society/people treats him/labels him and cause him becomes a monster. Start the paragraph by relating to the thesis-for example-“the creature becomes a monster because people…….” and then find 2 concrete details from the book, it can be quotes or citation references from the book, make sure you label them with Volume/chapter numbers. After that give 2 sentences commentaries-explanations of your quotes/citations. Repeat the step, find another 2 concrete details and give 2 sentences commentaries. You need to have 4 quotes/concrete details and 4 commentaries for this paragraph-remember you cite 2 CD follows with 2 CM, and then cite another 2 CD with 2 CM. Don’t put all CD together.
Paragraph 4: Describe How the He looks/labels himself and cause him becomes a monster-how he changes throughout the story. Start the paragraph by relating to the thesis-for example-“the creature becomes a monster because He…….” and then find 2 concrete details from the book, it can be quotes or citation references from the book, make sure you label them with Volume/chapter numbers. After that give 2 sentences commentaries-explanations of your quotes/citations. Repeat the step, find another 2 concrete details and give 2 sentences commentaries. You need to have 4 quotes/concrete details and 4 commentaries for this paragraph-remember you cite 2 CD follows with 2 CM, and then cite another 2 CD with 2 CM. Don’t put all CD together.

Here is a link of pdf of the book for you to find citations/quotes:
Paragraph 5: Conclusion paragraph, re-state your thesis, no new info introduced.
Make sure anything you find in the story-plots, quotes, citations need to be cited with chapters/or page# of the web

Last Updated on March 24, 2018

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