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Financial Information

You are in the process of analyzing the financial status of your business. You need to demonstrate to investors that you have a viable business with the ability to be profitable.

You decide to create a Balance Sheet and Income Statement to give investors a view of the financial health of your business. Using the templates and accounts, create the Balance Sheet and Income Statement that you will show your investors. See a sample of the documents here.

  1. From the list of accounts, classify the assets and place them in the appropriate section on the Balance Sheet.
  2. From the list of accounts, classify the liabilities and place them in the appropriate section on the Balance Sheet.
  3. From the list of accounts, classify the revenue accounts and place them in the correct section of the Income Statement
  4. From the list of accounts, classify the expense accounts and place them in the correct section of the Income Statement.
  5. Write a paragraph to your investors explaining the relevance of the information provided by the Balance Sheet that would indicate that your business would be a worthwhile investment.
  6. Write a paragraph to your investors explaining the relevance of the information provided by the Income Statement that would indicate that your business would be a worthwhile investment.

You will be submitting both the Excel document with the completed financial statements and the Word document with the two paragraph analysis to the Module 05 drop box.


Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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