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Finance academic help

Please have a read through the context provided below and answer the question with relevant references.

Context – Arriva is a global transport provider, providing buses, trains, trams, and ambulances to the public. They have objectives that can be universally perceived through each sector, providing a definitive message to their stakeholders. Arriva’s objective can be broken down into four sections, these can be seen below.

1. One Arriva – We work as one team – “together we are Arriva”
2. Great Customer Experience – We keep our customers happy every day
3. Doing the right thing – We look after our customers, colleagues and the environment, and always put safety first.
4. Thinking beyond – We are curious and inspired to think beyond today, for an even bigger and better Arriva tomorrow.

As described by McLaney (2017), businesses are, in effect, investment agencies or intermediaries. This means that irrespective of the type of business that is being operated in, investments need to be made to retrieve a return. The way in which Arriva invests in its variety of stakeholders, is aligned with their objectives; as above.

One Arriva – Investing in the teams of the business by ensuring that funding for employee development is offered throughout the business, ensuring that all staff are happy and comfortable in their roles.
Great customer experience – Investing in products to improve customer journeys such as newer vehicles.
Doing the right thing – Investing in technologies such as hybrid and gas buses to improve the businesses carbon footprint, protecting the environment.
Thinking Beyond – Investing in research and development and innovation to ensure that the business can grow and adapt to the ever-changing market.

The business likes to invest in its stakeholders, and is not shy in doing so. Much the same as other businesses, the goal of the business is to improve its revenue streams and maximise profits for the business. This means that the shareholders of the business earn more form the businesses operation, and there is more capital to invest back into the business (as can be seen from the objectives). The diversity of investment, proves that the objectives of the business are appropriate for the operation.

Question – Do other feel the objectives may be too diverse?

Locating a business to enhance the customer experience

Last Updated on January 29, 2025

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