Film Appreciation

Film Appreciation Worksheet


The film industry is influenced by culture and also influences culture. This week, you learned about film and culture, as well as about the various elements that make up the preproduction of a film.


Write 75 to 150 word answersto each of the following questions in the worksheet based on your textbook readings. This means 75-100 words for each question or a total of 150 to 450 words for the entire assignment. Students are not penalized for going over the word limit. Feel free to write as much as you want.


Be sure to enclose all direct quotes in quotation marks. (All assignments will be processed through before grading.) Be sure to include in-text and reference page citations for all words or ideas taken from other sources.Son of a Citation Machine is a good resource for formatting citations. It is free for limited use:


Here is a good website for practicing how to put ideas into your own words (paraphrase):


Be sure to acknowledge your source when you paraphrase with in-text and reference page citations.



What is the value of studying films? What do films teach us? How do they reflect and create cultural value? 
Reflect on the information provided in this week’s readings. What are the phases of filmmaking, and how does each phasecontribute to what we see on the screen? 
Briefly describe film distribution and promotion. How do these two aspects influence how a film is received by its audience?





Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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