Fiance Project

The Company that focus on is Baxter

DATA: Your data should end with the end of the last available fiscal year reporting period for your firm (this date will differ across firms). For example, if your firm used July 31 as its fiscal year end, your last available set of data could be July 31, 2018, if data is relatively current OR July 31, 2017 if the 2018 updates are running slowly. Include an appendix in interim and final report listing all your data by name, your source for that data, and the dates your data covers.

Download financial data into a (neatly arranged and labeled) spreadsheet, following the guidelines provided, and answer the questions below to assess the firm’s financial strength. Good business etiquette is to have a summary section on each page of your spreadsheet, so that the reader (me or your colleagues) do not have to scroll through endless data to se the final result). Tabular formats are best. Use color or highlighting to make it easy to find results. POST YOUR RESULTS ON BLACKBOARD, INTERIM 1ST STAGE REPORT DUE WEDNEDAY, MARCH 6, 5 P.M..We expect to see a neatly arranged and labeled spreadsheet and a written DRAFT of the answers below. This does not have to be perfect, but proof of substantial progress is expected.

For the following variables, download five years of data, ending with the final year/month/quarter of the last fiscal year for which the firm has data. Put dates as rows and variables as columns in your spreadsheet.
common stock price (end of month)
S&P 500 stock market index (end of month)
return (Yield) on a 3 month U.S. Treasury Bill (end of month)
historical dividends paid (quarterly)
ratios (from ratio sheet slide Chp. 3, marked by the arrow) (annual – refer to the notes from your FSIT class ). You may add additional ratios to your analysis if it proves helpful.
industry ratios for the industry closest to that of your firm (annual)
Use ratio analysis to analyze the health for your firm relative to its industry. Use EXCEL; use the format from your first FSIT class. CONCISELY answer the following questions:
Question 2.1.a: Refer to your EXCEL results and explain the status of your firm based on the following classes of ratios:


Asset Management

Market Value

Leverage/Debt Management


Question23.1.b: Show the components of the DuPont Equation for your firm and discuss in light of your findings in the preceding question (3.1.a)

Last Updated on March 4, 2019

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