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Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Organizational Effectiveness

Students will write a 3-5 page essay that evaluates the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) organizational effectiveness across three eras using the competing value approach. The historical periods of interest are symbolized by the following disasters: the Great Flood of 1993, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and Hurricane Harvey in 2017. FEMA’s effectiveness is to be evaluated during each era using the competing value model, which has four components.

The findings for each benchmark event are to be evaluated individually and then comprehensively for the overall time period specified. Lessons learned are to be noted. The essay is to be written in APA format with proper attribution for all sources. The essay is to be the student’s original work. The essay is worth 100 points and is to be graded using a rubric.

We are seeking to evaluate FEMA by looking at the organization’s performance in three separate disasters (since dealing with disaster is what they do). In examining FEMA’s performance, we are looking at four things (models): goals, efficiency of internal processes, participant (employee) satisfaction, and systems (remember the environmental concerns? … e.g. political). Pick a particular activity or thing that FEMA does and be consistent in looking at that activity using our four models across all three events.

You will see differences in how FEMA performed in each disaster. FEMA’s overall performance will be different and we should expect to see differences as well in the models as we apply them to each event. The four models, taken together, should tell us some things about FEMA’s performance and help explain why it may be viewed as good or bad in each case. Having looked at each disaster separately, we should then be able to say something in our concluding paragraph about FEMA generally in terms of organizational effectiveness.

What changes or factors led to better performance? What changes or factors were indicators of inefficiency or ineffectiveness, or could be considered harbingers of disaster within a disaster?

Follow Outline

Paragraph 1- Introductory – Introduce your topic by restating the question as a statement

Paragraph 2 -competing value model- describe the competing value model

paragraph 3 – Rational Goal Model

the Great Flood of 1993-

Hurricane Katrina in 2005-

Hurricane Harvey in 2017-

paragraph 4- internal process app

the Great Flood of 1993-

Hurricane Katrina in 2005-

Hurricane Harvey in 2017-

paragraph 5 – systems

the Great Flood of 1993-

Hurricane Katrina in 2005-

Hurricane Harvey in 2017-

paragraph 6- Humman Relations


Hurricane Katrina in 2005- FEVS

Hurricane Harvey in 2017- FEVS


Last Updated on November 14, 2019

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