

Who knew there were that many fallacies involving relevance? Well, it turns out that relevance is a key element for argumentation. If something is not relevant, then it really does not belong in one’s chain or reasoning. Hence, if something irrelevant pops up anyhow, watch out! Here are the last few listed by Pixie on pp. 181- 182 in How to Win Every Argument:
Ignoratio elenchi
Irrelevant humour (British, no less!)
Lazarum, argumentum ad
Loaded words
Misericordiam, argumentum ad
Poisoning the well
Populum, argumentum ad
The red herring
The runaway train
The slippery slope
Tu quoque
Verecundiam, argumentum ad
Wishful thinking (181 – 182)
Explain one of these fallacies. Illustrate the problem with an example from Wilson E for E from any chapter.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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