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Evaluating Evidence-Based Research

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For the second component of your final project, it’s important to evaluate evidence-based research to determine what theories and practices have proven

to be effective in addressing your health topic choice or health program. For this assignment, you will choose (3) three peer-reviewed articles related

to your health topic. Please do not use articles that are more than five years old.

There is no pre-determined length for this assignment as long as the article is thoroughly evaluated based on the criteria given.


Introduction to health topic (heart disease, cancer, nutrition, respiratory illnesses, infectious diseases, etc.)

Why did you choose this topic based on the results of your demographic search?
Current statistics on the prevalence of the disease
Two or three sentences on your proposed health program
For each of the three peer-reviewed journal articles, answer the following questions:

What was the purpose of the study?
How was the sample chosen?
What statistical measures did the author’s use?
What were the results?
Were there any limitations to the study?
Would you use these results to support your proposed health program? Why or why not?
References Page (in MLA or APA, according to your discipline)

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Last Updated on April 25, 2020

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