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Is it ethical for businesses to file for bankruptcy



  1. Find a current (less than 10 years old) article on the subject being discussed.  Articles may be found in reputable professional websites/journals that deal with the content of the course. Popular general reading magazines and online sources such as Wikipedia are not permissible.  The online library (or LRC) is an excellent source for locating articles. 




  1. Your essay must include:

·         A brief paragraph summary, in your own words, of the selected article – 75 to 100 words minimum (worth 17 points).

·         A brief discussion, in your own words, of how the article relates to the selected topic – 75 to 100 words minimum (worth 17 points).

·         The complete reference (using the APA format) of each article read. These do not count in the 150 total word minimum requirement (worth 6 points).

  1. On the second week of the discussion board each student must respond to two other student posts (article summary) from the prior week.  The response should relate to the discussion and be at least 75 to 100 words in length.  The student may wish to refer to another article in response.  If you refer to another article, please cite the source.  (Each response is worth 10 points each)

Please use proper English and check all posts and responses for grammatical and spelling errors.  Points will be deducted for these errors. 


Last Updated on January 30, 2018

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