Write a 5 Paragraph Essay Outline based on “Dust excerpt” by Joan Frances Turner. “The Dead” by Michael Swanwick. “This Year’s Class Picture” By Dan
Simmons.1.Intro. (approx. 4-6 sentences w/”grabber” Introductory sentence) A brief explanation of the subject, include the specific titles and
authors to be analyzed in the essay. The body of Paragraphs 1,2,3, on readings 1, 2, 3 respectively (approx.12-15 sentences each paragraph) clearly
referring to the 3 specific reading, topic, and thesis. Specific relevant, detailed examples, which you analyze (with in-text-citations) transition
into next paragraph. Conclusion: a final thought to properly END the essay analysis (approx. 4-6 sentences) try to avoid restarting the thesis. Also
try to end with a statement about the ‘wider significance’ of your topic, readings, analysis, which connects that analysis to some wider aspect of
human experience, etc. Include work cited list. I’m also including online lesson PP slides for your info.