DQ question

In Week 5 of the next dissertation course (PSY-955), you will submit a revised prospectus. The submission is worth 400 points. Accordingly, it is critical to your success in the class and the program. A quality prospectus will help ensure your progression in the program.

  • Reflect on the feedback your chair and methodologist (if appropriate) have provided on your prospectus to date.
  • Using the criteria in the prospectus template, complete a self-evaluation of the work you have completed for each section. Based on your self-evaluation and chair feedback, what section(s) of the prospectus do you need to refine and work on in order fully meet the requirements in the criterion tables and to receive a score of “2 – Item Meets Expectations”?
  • What information or guidance do you need from your chair and/or methodologist to help you meet expectations on the prospectus criteria?


Last Updated on February 17, 2019

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