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Discussion: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory

The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership is different from the other theories and approaches you have studied so far. You have studied approaches and theories that focus on the leader. You have also studied approaches and theories that focus on the context or situation between the leader and the subordinate. LMX Theory sees leadership as a process that focuses on the interactions between leaders and subordinates.

Transformational Leadership is different again, in that it studies leaders who are able to inspire subordinates to accomplish great things. Transformational leaders are seen as leaders who create a clear and shared vision, who empower subordinates to meet high standards, develop trust, and are change agents.

For this Discussion, consider the dyadic relationship in LMX Theory. Consider any similarities between LMX Theory and Transformational Leadership.

PAPER LENGTH: 2 and a half double-spaced pages

  1. Post your explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of the dyadic relationship in LMX Theory.
  2. Explain the impact these strengths and weaknesses might have on leadership.
  3. Compare LMX Theory to Transformational Leadership.
  4. Explain the relationship between the characteristics of LMX Theory and Transformational Leadership.
  5. Provide and example from your experience or one from the Learning Resources that supports your response


Last Updated on September 25, 2018

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