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Discussion 4 Stereotyping

Comm 121 Discussion 4 Stereotyping Respond to 1 classmate

Communication 121

• The Interpersonal Communication Book, 13th Edition, by Joseph A. DeVito (2013)
You need to write the follow-up post to Brandy
This is original post:

In Chapter 2, you read about communication and stereotyping. When you hear someone say that “all _________are ________,” this is an example of thinking in terms of stereotypes. The problem is that these kinds of beliefs don’t take into account the uniqueness of individuals in a particular group.

When we think of stereotypes, it’s mostly in negative terms. While this is an important point, I invite you to consider the consequences of positive stereotypes. It turns out that even positive stereotypes have serious implications. Research shows that when people think of a positive stereotype of a group, it automatically calls to mind the negative stereotypes as well.
Please view TWO clips called “Average Asian” at:



Copy each question along with the NUMBERS (1, 2) and put your response under it.

1. Did this clip remind you of other stereotypes, both good and bad, of other groups of individuals? What can you share with us about your direct experiences with members of these groups vs. the stereotype of these groups? (200 word minimum)

2. How can thinking in terms of stereotypes be problematic? (100 word minimum)

Brandy wrote the answers to the original post:

1. Did this clip remind you of other stereotypes, both good and bad, of other groups of individuals? What can you share with us about your direct experiences with members of these groups vs. the stereotype of these groups? (200 word minimum)
This clip definitely reminded me of stereotypes both good and bad. In the first clip it showed how Asians know music and how they have great knowledge of certain kinds of music which was a good thing, however to showed disrespect in the work place when asked to do a pedicure for a lady while at work.

The lady was rude by putting her foot in his face and saying how she desperately needed to get her feet done. She would not have done this to someone of a different nationality. I believe some things that people call stereotypes are not that, they are true things about a certain culture or nationality. What makes it a bad thing is the way someone may choose to express a subject about a person’s culture or nationality. People can be very hurtful and demeaning when doing this.

I personally have had an experience with an Asian guy that I attended high school with. The stereotype was Asians eat lots and lots of rice and cannot see well because of the slant in the eyes.

I hate when people say things based on stereotypes so I decided to ask straight up front, “Is it true that you cannot see out of the corner of your eyes? Do Asians have problems with this? Or is this just something people say. He explained that he sees the same as I do. He can see perfectly fine. He shared with me that he thought people were so ignorant when they would say things like that and appreciated that I asked instead of just going along with what I call “the hype”.

I also think you can offend a culture without even knowing you have done so. In our textbook it gave an example of how a girl was sitting at a table and got some bad news and she did not share what happened. The group she was with took offence to this because in their culture they feel you should open up and share your pain and be consoled, where here in the US it is a way of being strong and not letting things get to you. When I asked about the rice he says it is something that people in his culture eat a lot of and went on to explain why. I learned so much form
him and to be honest the way they eat has a lot to do with why they stay small and as healthy as they do but you don’t hear people talking about that part of it at all.

1. How can thinking in terms of stereotypes be problematic? (100 word minimum)
Thinking in terms of stereotypes can be very problematic because it may not be true at all. You can lose out on good friendships and relationships based on a stereotype of someone or group of people. You may shy away from a group of certain people you have stereotyped because you really despise the said stereotype. It may cause you to be disrespectful and hateful all for no reason. In some instances you may need some type of service from a group of people you have stereotyped or person you have stereotyped, you may need their help just because they are good at what they do, and rather not get the help than to mingle with “their type of people”.

I have seen with my own eyes someone rather die than to receive mouth to mouth from another race just because they were taught this particular race was unworthy to be on the planet. I was so shocked and hurt that culture hatetred ran so deep.
It is important that we understand different cultures. It is important that we take time to learn and read about other groups of people, and not just before we take a trip to their country but just because we deal with a lot of different kinds of people on a daily basis and it helps us to be able to communicate better.
Now you need to write the follow up on Brandy post:

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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