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Discovering the Common History of Rocks, Planets, and People

Book Analysis

The Universe Within: Discovering the Common History of Rocks, Planets, and People.

Assignment: A 3-4 page (12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced) research analysis of one of the books.

The focus of your paper should be analysis of the assigned book rather than a report. The main difference between a report and analysis is the differing emphasis on the narrative of the book; what happened in the book. In reports, students typically reiterate the narrative of the book. In this analysis I would like you to apply concepts and ideas from the book that are applicable to the course material.

Requirements and Details:

Quotations: ?The author’s exact words must be placed within quotation marks, or set off from the text by indentation and single spacing. A citation must be placed near the beginning or at the end of the quotation, so that it is clear from where that quote was derived.

Note: when you put somebody’s words inside quotation marks, be sure to quote exactly—spelling, grammatical errors—everything must be just as it is in the original.

Do not plagiarize from any source. Any occasions of plagiarism will result in an F grade on the research paper

You may use any writing style with which you are familiar (M.L.A., A.P.A.), but be consistent in using that style.

Questions, problems, don’t where to start, research, or how to cite sources?


Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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