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Disaster Management Theories

Discussion 1: A Profession or Not?

Competencies Addressed in This Discussion


During this unit, information was presented regarding the elements of a profession. Many may look at emergency management and feel anyone can do the job. Opponents may also point to the fact that many different career fields may act as emergency managers. These career fields include police chief or sheriff, fire chief, and even a civil or defense disaster manager.

Also, in small communities, the emergency coordinator may be a volunteer or part-time employee with little or no education or training (Sylves, 2015). Before, during, and after a disaster, there needs to be an emergency manager responsible for various tasks to help save life and property.


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Competencies Addressed in This Discussion


In emergency management, it is important to study theories relating to different events that take place during disasters. Theories are developed through knowledge gained in a field. Physical and social scientists may contribute to theories developed in the emergency management realm (Sylves, 2015). As disasters strike and more information in all phases of emergency management are gained and analyzed, theories are developed that will assist the emergency manager.

This in turn helps citizens by saving lives and property before, during, and after a disaster event. Some think an all-hazards approach to disaster recovery may be beneficial. Others say that theory should guide disaster recovery because each kind of disaster is different so a one-size-fits-all approach may not be the best for every type of disaster.


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Respond to the posts of two peers.

APA citations are not required for discussions. However, if outside material is used, you are required to cite references.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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