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Difference in the hours worked by Americans and Europeans

Read the article and answer the questions below.

  1. Surowiecki mentions 3 possible explanations for the difference in the hours worked by Americans and Europeans. What are they? Which one is favored by the author and why?
  2. Which of the above 3 explanations do you find most convincing and why?
  3. If the marginal tax rate you pay on the next dollar you earn was increased by say 10% what impact (if any) would it have on the amount of hours YOU would work? Why?
  4. What are the benefits and costs of the American situation? (i.e. more work, less leisure) Of the European situation? (i.e. less work, more leisure)
  5. Which one of the two ways do you find more attractive and why?


Last Updated on March 26, 2019

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